Pfister Racing - Andreas Pfister
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Youngster Team

Start your race car driver career in our Youngster Team.


youngster teamThe „Pfister Racing Youngster Team“ has been brought to life at the ADAC Chevrolet Cup championship of 2012. It allows young drivers to enter the racing sport. Along with the sporting achievements on the race track, they also are taught how to develop a proper marketing plan and successful press relation, in order for them to attract sponsors.

From driving a race car for the first time, to attending a DMSB licensing courses for the acquirement of the DMSB racing license – national A level -, and up to the professional “1:1 coaching” with instructions directly within the race car, the budding race car drivers are looked after by the professional race driver Andreas Pfister and the members of the Pfister Racing Team.

An Imagevideo über das Pfister-Racing-Youngster-Team can be found here.

An introduction to the „Pfister Racing Youngster Team“ is also the ADAC Touring Car driver evaluation, which is conducted annually at the ADAC Driving Safety Center in Schlüsselfeld.

youngster team02Thanks to the attractive races, to the professional race cars and the experienced international team you shall enjoy professional motor sports at reasonable prices!

Please contact us for further information under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +49(0)9350 / 90 900 59 .

Partner des Pfister Racing Teams



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Pfister Racing GmbH
Obersfelderstraße 46
97776 Obersfeld

Pfister Racing GmbH
Zweigniederlassung Österreich
Lesingerweg 12
A-8642 St. Lorenzen

Telefon: +49(0)9350 / 90 900 59


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